Monday, August 6, 2007

New Shop, Same As the Old?

Well not really. For those who don't know the Team has relocated to the our new shop, closer to campus and into climate control (wow, there's a novel concept), still no bathrooms, but the engineering building is a very short walk away. We are completely moved out of the old dilapidated joint, it will be getting bull-dowsed soon (if it doesn't fall down first), and we are organizing things in the new shop.

This is the pre-move in state of the shop (the buggies will be disposed of shortly)

We will be looking to build a new steel rack and some new tables very soon, as well as deconstructing some stuff that's in the way. We will have to be a little more conscious of conserving space, as the new shop is a little smaller and we will be sharing it to some extent with some other student-orgs.
We will be having a meeting sometime this week to begin discussing roles for this year, establishing deadlines, organizing design groups, discussing fundraising, and maybe squeeze in some design, construction, and rule discussion. Contact myself or Hunter if you've got questions or need information.

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